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Henry A. (ed.): Stone Conservation: Principles & Practice, (Republished), Routledge, 2013.
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Hewett, C.: English Historic Carpentry, Phillimore, 1980.
Heyman, J.: The Stone Skeleton: Structural Engineering of Stone Masonry, Cambridge, University Press, 1997.
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Miele, C.: From William Morris: Building Conservation & the Arts & Crafts Cult of Authenticity 1877 – 1939, Yale University Press, 2005.
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National Association of Decorative & Fine Arts Societies: Inside Churches: A Guide to Church Furnishings, NADFAS, 1993.
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Palladio, A.: The Four Books Of Architecture, MIT 1997.
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Pinion, A. and Bennet, F.: Roof Slating and Tiling, (Republished), Routledge, 2001.
Platt, C.: Parish Churches of Medieval England, (New Edition), Bounty Books,1996.
Port, M. H.: Six Hundred New Churches: The Church Building Commission 1818 – 1856, Spire Books Ltd., 2006.
Powys, A.: Repair Of Ancient Buildings…, (Revised Edition), SPAB, 2015.
Prizeman, O. (ed.): Sustainable Building Conservation: Theory and Practice of Responsive Design in the Heritage Environment, RIBA, 2015.
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Robson, P.: Structural Repair of Traditional Buildings, (New Edition), Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2013.
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Rosewell, R.: Medieval Wall Paintings, Boydell Press, 2008.
Ruskin, J.: The Seven Lamps Of Architecture, Dover, 1989.
Salvadori, M.: Why Buildings Stand Up, W. W. Norton, 1991.
Salzman, L. F.: Building in England Down to 1540, Oxford (Various Editions 1952 – 1997).
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Stalley, R.: Early Medieval Architecture, Oxford University Press, 1999.
Stanley Price N. (and Others) (eds.): Readings In Conservation: Historical & Philosophical Issues In The Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Getty Cons. Inst., 1996.
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Stovel, H. et al (eds.).: Conservation of Living Religious Heritage, ICCROM, 2005.
Stovel, H.: Risk Preparedness: A Management Manual For World Cultural Heritage, ICCROM, 1998.
Stratton, M. (ed.): Structure & Style: Conserving 20th Century Buildings, E. & F. N. Spon, 1997.
Summerson, J.: Architecture In Britain 1530 – 1830, Yale University Press/Pelican, (Current 9th Edition), 1993.
Theodossopoulos, D.: Structural Design in Building Conservation, Routledge, 2012.
Thompson, M.: Ruins Reused: Changing Attitudes to Ruins..., Heritage Marketing Publications, 2006.
de la Torre, M. (ed.): Heritage Values In Site Management: Four Case Studies, Getty Cons. Inst, 2005.
Tutton, M. and Campbell, J.: Staircases: History, Repair and Conservation, Routledge, 2013.
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Wakelin, C.: Chapels of England: Buildings of Protestant Nonconformity, Swindon, 2017.
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list updated January 2018