
The Ecclesiastical Architects & Surveyors Association (EASA) has a long established history of promoting and supporting the highest standards across ecclesiastical architecture and surveying.

Membership is open to:

  • Architects and Surveyors working on or with churches or other buildings of faith within the United Kingdom;
  • students training to become Architects or Surveyors, with a keen interest in, or anticipating future projects involving ecclesiastical buildings within the United Kingdom;
  • other professionals and craftspeople, who can demonstrate a professional interest in ecclesiastical buildings;
  • and church support officers, who are paid persons in paid employment by any Christian denomination enjoying ecclesiastical exemption from listed building consent who are involved in the administration of the exemption and in support of the care, maintenance, design or construction of ecclesiastical buildings.

The Association offers regular seasonal meetings in Spring/Summer and Autumn (coupled with the AGM); all providing engaging, interesting and education talks, visitations, tours and lectures on a range of matters relating to ecclesiastical architecture and surveying. In between the main conferences, we also run regular online and face-to-face regional meetings on specific subject matters, or to offer members the opportunity to visit works/projects on other churches. These events afford the opportunity to keep abreast of current matters, directly affecting the world of ecclesiastical architecture/surveying, offering relevant and health CPD opportunities and the chance to network (professionally and personally) with like-minded people.

Membership can provide potential clients with a high level of confidence in the experience and competency of their professional adviser. Full Members on the public list of Members may use the post-nominals “EASA”. Membership also comes with reduced costs to attend events and receive copies of the Association’s Journal and Transactions.

Becoming a Member

All who seek Membership must apply to be invited to become Members of the Association by the General Committee in accordance with the Associations’ Rules.

Membership for Students, Architects or Chartered Building Surveyors

Student Membership

e.g. Part 1 or Part 2 Student / Architectural Assistant or persons in training or prior to qualification as a Chartered Building Surveyor

Applicants have an interest in ecclesiastical work.


Associate Membership

e.g. Recently Qualified

Applicants can demonstrate professional interest in ecclesiastical work.


Full Membership

e.g. 5 Years Post Professional Qualification

Applicants can demonstrate professional expertise in ecclesiastical work.


Retired Membership

Retired Architect/Surveyor.

Applicants have been Members for at least 5 years and who have retired from active professional practice.


Membership for Allied Professionals and those who support the care, maintenance, design or construction of ecclesiastical buildings.

Affiliate Membership

For allied professionals and craftspeople.

Applicants can demonstrate a professional interest in the care, maintenance, design or construction of ecclesiastical buildings.


Church Support Officers

Persons in paid employment by any Christian denomination enjoying ecclesiastical exemption from listed building consent.

Applicants can demonstrate that they are involved in the administration of the exemption and in support of the care, maintenance, design or construction of ecclesiastical buildings.


To continue your application on the Application Portal, please click here to log-in.

Hon. Membership Secretary

Tom Crooks is the the Association’s Hon. Membership Secretary.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact him on  and he will be happy to help.

If you are a new member, do look out for Tom at the meetings.