Postponed EASA AGM & Autumn Meeting 2024

St Mellitus College, 24, Collingham Road, Kensington, London. SW5 0LX

The postponed AGM and Autumn Meeting 2024 will now take place at St Mellitus College in St Jude’s Church on Thursday, 16th January 2025. Refreshments will be served during Registration between 09.30 a.m. for 10.00 a.m. This early start is in order to allow for the slightly extended AGM business and as many speakers as possible in the morning, while also allowing time for the Awards Ceremony, our Open Forum and further speakers in the afternoon.

The Autumn Meeting will continue our President’s theme for the year, “Is there Holiness in Beauty – does Image matter?” As previously billed, our two principal speakers will be Fr. Luke Miller, who will talk about Sir Ninian Comper and his relevance today, and Nigel Copsey, a stonemason and foremost proponent of hot lime mortars, who will speak about lime rich mortars and surface treatments on churches. Both speakers will, I think, raise important issues which should give us all a great deal to consider.

Making your booking:

1) Rolled Over Bookings:

If you have received confirmation that your booking for the postponed November meeting has been rolled over to this meeting, then you do not need to re-book.

If you have not had confirmation then please let me know what you want to do with your previous booking.

However, you will still need to visit the website using the link below to download my Colleague’s Letter to you, the Revised Programme and the Officer Nomination Form.

2) New Bookings:

If you have not yet booked, then please visit the ‘Meetings & Events’ page on the EASA website, via the link below, to obtain my Colleague’s Letter, the Revised Programme and the Booking and Officer Nomination Forms, for your action. Please copy, fill in and then email the Booking Form to make your booking.

All bookings must be received no later than Wednesday, 8 January 2025.

However, if you can send them in before the Christmas break, then that would be of great help.

Election of Officers and General Committee Members:

Can you also review your involvement in EASA and how you could assist in the work of the Association by offering to take up one of the Honorary Officers’ posts (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) as listed on the Nomination Form, or as a General Committee member. Please note that it is also possible for the General Committee to co-opt you for an initial twelve-month trial to dip your toes in the water as it were! Just fill in the Nomination Form and email it to Graeme Renton by Wednesday, 1st January 2025.

Please note that there will be a subsequent mailing to you, which will bring the actual conference papers, via the EASA website. So please check the website nearer the date to see if they have arrived.

Notice to Members of Motions to Amend the Rules of the Association:

This year’s AGM will address a number of issues, which reflect the changing circumstances of a digital world (GDPR Regulations) and our membership profile. A number of rule changes are to be put forward by the General Committee for consideration by the membership to reflect on these matters before votes are called for. Further details will be published within the meeting papers that will be the subject of a second mailing at present being prepared by Graeme Renton, who will be retiring as Hon. Secretary at this meeting.

Andrew Wood

EASA Immediate Past President and Hon. Meetings Secretary.
